How to find ADHD Therapy on the Upper East Side, NY
Learn how to find high quality ADHD therapy on the UES of NYC. This type of therapy for ADHD includes providing evidence based treatments including CBT, DBT therapy, and executive function skills training. Finding high quality mental health care on the UES is challenging. PRGRS Therapy, on the UES, is available t provide high quality ADHD therapy today.
Non-Medication Based Treatments for ADHD
In this article we go over the non-medication based treatments that are effective in treating and managing ADHD. Although medications, such as Adderall, are effective, they are not the only option.
What Are the Different Types of ADHD?
Confused about the different types of ADHD. In this brief article we will describe the three types of ADHD as it stands today.
Creating an ADHD-Friendly Apartment in NYC
Struggling to create an organized space in your NYC apartment with ADHD? Discover practical tips to design an ADHD-friendly home that reduces distractions, improves focus, and supports emotional well-being—even in the smallest of spaces
What is Executive Function (EF): A simple definition
Executive function is something many people talk about, especially in the realm of ADHD, however, it’s actually quite difficult to define. In this article, I want to summarize a simple definition that comes from leading experts in the field of ADHD and executive function.
How long does DBT therapy last?
DBT comes in all shapes and sizes. There are different programs and forms of care. The length of treatment varies depending on what type of DBT therapy you begin. In this article, we discuss how long DBT therapy may last for you.
Three free educational resources for ADHD
It can be difficult to find quality, resources for ADHD. In this article we share three resources that are fantastic for ADHD education. They are helpful for both clients and providers
A Quick Start Guide to DBT Therapy
In this article we share the information you need to know before starting DBT therapy. Consider this your quick start guide.
Neuropsychological Testing does Not Detect ADHD?!
People are often referred for neuropsychological testing to determine if ADHD is present. However, one of the leading authorities in ADHD, Dr. Russell Barkley explains that these tests are not useful in determining ADHD. In this article we will look at why.
Is DBT Therapy Covered by Insurance?
DBT therapy is a popular, sought after treatment modality. Although it is often covered by insurance, it can be hard to find a DBT trained therapist who accepts insurance, especially in New York City.
How is DBT Different From Other Therapies?
DBT is a unique treatment modality that stands apart from the many other modalities out there such as CBT, MI, and ACT. In this article, we share some of the elements that make DBT unique.
DBT therapy no only helps with mental health issues like anxiety, ADHD, and substance use, but it can also help improve communication. Check out this article to learn more.
DBT Program vs. DBT Therapy
There is a difference between DBT programs and DBT therapy. In this article we will break down the differences so you can make an informed decision about what might be best for you.
How Common is ADHD?
There are a lot of misconceptions about the prevalence of ADHD. In this article, we will debunk some myths and set the facts straight. Learning about ADHD is the first step in treating it.
What does DBT mean?
DBT therapy stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy, but what does that actually mean. In this video we break down the meaning of the dialectic, behavior, and therapy.
How Did DBT Therapy Start?
DBT Therapy is an evidenced based treatment shown to be effective for many mental health issues, but how did it start. In this article we go over a brief history of DBT Therapy.
Therapy vs. Coaching: What is the difference?
There are big differences between coaches and therapists. However, many people are not aware of them. In this article, we break down some of the main differences between therapy and coaching so that you can make a decision that is right for you.
How to Get Accommodations for ADHD in NYC
Learn about work accommodations and how they may benefit people with ADHD. Learn how to obtain work accommodations in NYC.
Is ADD and ADHD the same thing?
ADHD is the term that replaced ADD. In this article you will read a high level summary of what ADHD is.
ADHD Education Resources
It is important to be well educated about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In this article we talk about why this is important. We also go through some helpful resources.