How to find ADHD Therapy on the Upper East Side, NY
Finding the “right” therapist to help manage ADHD is crucial. But what makes a therapist the “right” one? For starters, they need to understand ADHD well. Second, they should be able to deliver effective, evidence based treatment that helps you manage the symptoms. This ability comes from a combination of experience and training, which they should have as well.
This all sounds great, but how do you find this therapist? In a busy neighborhood like the Upper East Side (UES) in NYC, finding the right therapist can be overwhelming. There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of therapists in the neighborhood. No one has time to research all these providers.
In this article, I am going to outline the factors you should consider when trying to locate an ADHD therapist so that you can easily narrow down your search and quickly find a provider that is right for you.
What is ADHD Therapy
Before we jump into the factors to consider when finding a therapist we need to quickly describe what ADHD therapy is. In short, ADHD therapy is mental health care specifically designed to treat and manage ADHD symptoms (i.e. focus, procrastination, emotion regulation, disorganization, etc). There is no specific ADHD therapy, but rather is a combination of different treatments to target specific ADHD symptoms. Some effective treatments for ADHD include:
CBT therapy
Executive function training
At PRGRS therapy we use a combination of DBT, CBT, and executive function skill builidng to help our clients effectively manage ADHD. If you are interested in working with us you can schedule a free consultation today.
What to look for in an ADHD Therapist
Knowledge of ADHD - Make sure the provider you work with knows about ADHD. Many people claim to know, but are not all that familiar with the condition. Ask the provider about their experience with ADHD and where they have learned about ADHD.
Ability to Deliver Evidence Based Treatment - General talk therapy is not going to cut it when it comes to managing ADHD. The provider needs to be able to deliver effective, evidence based interventions that target ADHD symptoms. An example of an evidence based treatment that is effective for ADHD is DBT therapy. Ask the provider what modalities they are trained in and where they were trained.
Experience and Training - This is essentially a combination of the above two points. It is important that you provider has experience working with folks with ADHD coupled with formalized training. Don’t be afraid to ask your provider about this.
Are you looking for high quality, ADHD therapy…
At PRGRS Therapy our providers have gone/going through the training required to earn the ADHD-CCSP credential (ADHD Certified Clinical Service Provider). Additionally, the team meets weekly to stay up to date on relevant trends in the ADHD space. If you receive ADHD care through PRGRS, you can rest assured you are in good hands.
We offer a free 15 minute consultation to discuss how we can help you. If you are looking for high quality ADHD therapy, reach out to us today.