How to find DBT Therapy in NYC that accepts insurance

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It can be hard to find DBT therapy in NYC…

You would think in a city as large as New York, it would be easy to find a therapist or program specializing in DBT therapy that accepts insurance. However, this is not the case. In fact, it can be extremely difficult. As a social worker in NYC, I used to help people get connected to needed services and know first hand how hard it can be. DBT therapy was always in high demand, yet there were very few options. Many practices including community clinics had extremely long waitlists, or those who did have availability didn’t accept insurance. The demand for DBT therapy was higher than the providers available. This caused many problems and still does.

Having access to DBT therapy in NYC is crucial…

Not having accessible DBT therapy in NYC is a real issue. This is because DBT therapy is an extremely effective intervention for many mental health issues. Although originally created for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT Therapy has shown to be effective for a variety of adult issues including:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Substance Use

  • ADHD

  • Communication issues

  • Relationship issues

  • Addiction

  • Impulse control

To read more about our approach to DBT therapy click here. At the end of the day, it’s important that people have access to high quality treatments like DBT. Our practice does just that. We provide DBT therapy in NYC and we accept insurance. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.


How to find DBT therapy that accepts insurance in NYC…

Thankfully, the amount of accessible DBT providers has been expanding over the last few year. It is not where it needs to be, but it is better. You can Google DBT providers in NYC and many providers and practices will show up, but many of them do not accept insurance. If you are looking for a DBT program or therapist that takes insurance it may be helpful to try this method…

  1. Navigate to a well established directory like PsychologyToday or ALMA

  2. Filter results by your location and by speciality. Choose DBT as the specialty

  3. Email potential providers

  4. Don’t just assume that every therapist who claims to have knowledge of DBT is trained equally

  5. Ask them these crucial questions and listen for their responses

  6. Interpret the responses using our guide

  7. Choose a therapist

Or you can do this instead…

If the above method seems too cumbersome, you can book a free 15 minute consultation with our practice today. We are a group practice that specializes in DBT therapy in NYC. We also accept most major insurances as well as provide help with out of network benefits. Read more about our DBT therapy services here.


Matthew Ryan, LCSW

I am a therapist, group practice owner, private practice consultant, and content creator. I am passionate about helping people make progress towards their goals.


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